As we all work toward getting used to this new normal of staying home, I wanted to share some tips for thriving not just surviving while in quarantine. Hard as it may seem, there is a silver lining that comes with all that time at home. Whether getting a chance to make your home a more organized space, or spending time reading, quarantine can be a time for good self-care. Here are some ways you can take care of yourself while at home.
START YOUR DAY OFF RIGHT – When you’re home for an extended period of time, it’s easy to fall off your diet and exercise routine so try to start your morning off right and it will make a big difference for the choices you make the rest of the day! Here are two simple smoothie recipes which will give you 20 grams of protein, a vitamin boost and 11 grams of collagen to keep your skin looking as if you’re still going to get that facial!

START A YOGA PRACTICE – I have been missing my weekly yoga sessions so much as this quarantine started and was beyond excited to discover that CorePower yoga is offering all of their classes on demand. If you are an avid yogi or have been wanting to give it a try, now is the perfect time. I can honestly tell you, sticking to a weekly yoga routine has completely changed my levels of anxiety, given me a mood boost, not to mention, is 100% what I swear by for improving my physical shape. Click HERE to browse the classes! Your kiddos can join as well. Click HERE for CosmicKids yoga. My girls have been loving it!

TAKE A LUXE BATH – Whether you live alone or have a loud house full of kids, a quiet, luxe bath will make you feel brand new. All of the below goodies are 25% off right now, so you can upgrade your bath experience, guilt free. Take a deep breath, you DO deserve this time.

IMPROVE YOUR SLEEP – The small things make a big difference. Designate your bedroom for sleep and nothing else and set the mood for relaxation. From lighting some candles to upgrading your pillowcases, even if you make one small change, it might just make a big difference. Sleep is more essential than ever during a stressful time like this, so make it a priority.

GIVE YOURSELF A BEAUTY DAY – The major upside of having all this time at home, is updating your beauty routine and trying out some new products. Every mom I know never gives herself enough time in this department, so even if you’ve got kiddos at home right now, put this at the top of your priority list. Taking care of yourself will give you a much needed boost of self-esteem and sense of well-being. Even if you have to make lunch or clean up toys with a sheet mask on, fit it in, however you can!

OPEN UP THOSE PRETTY BOOKS – You know those pretty coffee table books we all buy and never open? They are actually chock full of amazing recipes, DIY ideas, beauty tips and beautiful photography that will inspire and boost your mood. So, crack them open! Here are some I am loving right now.

ORGANIZE YOUR SPACE – Visual noise of clutter is more damaging to your well-being that you might realize, especially if you have to work from home right now. Take some time every day to tackle your space. I’ve found that taking an hour each day (or two if you can spare them!) to focus on a single space at a time, works best. Whether it’s your kitchen drawers, a bathroom vanity or laundry room, take it one day at a time. The silver lining of knowing you’ll be home for a while means you can take your time and get to all those little nooks and crannies you’ve always wanted to go full on Marie Kondo on! Here are some of my favorite organizers to help you get there.