Transitional Workwear from Karen Millen

karen millen workwear ideas for fall

There is something about a sleek, well tailored workwear look that just gets me so excited. I think the only think I truly miss during the hotter summer months, is the ability to layer on a blazer with some wide leg trousers and possibly a chic trench on top. Today I’m rounding up all of […]


Good American side slit two-tone blazer, with denim casual chic style, by San Francisco fashion blogger Lombard & Fifth. French coffee shop.

Happy Sunday friends! My Sundays always start with lots of coffee and lately, and a search for a chic spot to shoot some photos. This little café in Palo Alto, Mademoiselle Colette  was a recent discovery and I fell in love with its décor as well as amazing pastries. They also have a Redwood City […]


Ribbed Puff Sleeve Button Front Sweater Express, styled 5 ways for fall, by San Francisco fashion blogger Lombard & Fifth.

This Friday Five could not have been timelier because this amazing gold button bodycon maxi sweater dress for fall is 50% off today! Talk about meant to be. I loved it so much in brown, I knew that styling it in black would have endless possibilities. This is such a great piece for fall because you […]

How to style a Colorful Suit 5 Ways

Halogen x Atlantic-Pacific green suit styled by top San Francisco fashion blogger Lombard and Fifth.

If you had asked me 5 years ago if I would own a forest green suit, I would tell you, you were nuts. I might wear tulle skirts and lots of sparkle in my IG feed, but my suiting has always been very “safe for work” shall we say. This new suit from the Halogen […]

5 Ways to Style a Camel Blazer

J Crew Camel blazer styled 5 ways, featured by top San Francisco fashion blogger Lombard and Fifth.

Hi guys and happy Friday! Styling this camel blazer 5 ways, by popular demand and loving how versatile it is for fall. If you don’t already own a version of a camel blazer, it’s definitely an item worth investing in. I wanted to show you a monochromatic way to style all five looks, sort of […]

How to Style a Checkered Blazer 5 Ways

H&M checkered blazer, styled 5 ways featured by top San Francisco fashion blogger Lombard and Fifth

Happy Friday! My Friday Five is moving to the blog this week and I am VERY excited. It felt like I needed to give you guys more item information and styling details on each of the looks I style for these series, so let’s get it started this Friday with “How to style a checkered […]

Favorite Shorts Suits for Summer

Nordstrom Halogen shorts pink suit featured by top San Francisco fashion blogger Lombard and Fifth.

Shop Shop my Shorts Suit Look: As I’ve said in so many posts, I LIVE in blazers Monday through Friday and this season there is nothing that I have loved more than the shorts suit trend! Can’t get enough of it, aside from one negative, the always chilly weather in SF. Anyhow, I’m rounding up […]

Leopard Headband: Add a Dose of Fun to your Workwear, under $50

River Island pink blazer and leopard clutch workwear look featured by top San Francisco fashion blogger Lombard and Fifth

I’ve really stepped out of the color mix and match box lately, and I have to say I’m loving it! Mixing colors and prints I’ve never styled together before has been making my wardrobe feel super fresh, and I’m noticing myself pulling out pieces I haven’t worn in month and feeling like they’ve gotten a […]

Stylish Spring Work Outfits

Stylish Spring Work Outfits featured by top US fashion blog, Lombard and Fifth: image of a woman wearing a Chicwish pink dress and River Island white blazer

My daily work uniform involves a blazer 99% of the time, so I figure it’s time I started reflecting that here on the blog! Loving this easy spring work look, that’s as comfy as it is chic. SHOP MY SPRING WORK OUTFIT: Dress (c/o) | Blazer (older) from River Island, similar HERE | Gucci pin […]

Your New Work Uniform: The Power Plaid Blazer

Vici dolls plaid blazer featured by top US fashion blogger Lombard and Fifth

SHOP THE LOOK It’s no secret this girl loves a good opportunity to dress up. A grand occasion or not I often find myself being overdressed. Until recently. I have worked in the corporate world all of my adult life, and while San Francisco is a very casual city (too casual in my opinion) there […]

Fall Florals | Charlotte London

Fall is here, but it doesn’t mean you have to put away all your favorite pastels and florals! In fact, one of my faves, Charlotte London just released their new “Tokyo” blazer collection, and I am swooning over every single piece. I’m so happy blazers are the biggest thing this season, because I literally have […]

Bright White | River Island

  I have a major blazer addiction. In fact, I have a whole section in my closet dedicated to just blazers. It’s the perfect go-to work piece, that also transitions well to a casual night out. But this season unlike any other, I feel like everyone has really gotten on board with the blazer goodness! […]


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