Our Colorful Bathroom Remodel with Wayfair

Wayfair girls bathroom before and after featured by top San Francisco fashion blogger Lombard and Fifth

There are endless home projects I want to tackle from big to small, and there is nothing more satisfying than a BIG room transformation. We wanted to do just that with the girls bathroom, which has not seen any update since we moved into our house 7 years ago, aside from new floors. I usually don’t dare get too crazy with décor, mainly because of fear that I would get sick of it fast or it would go out of style quickly, but I thought, what better room to get a little wild in, than the girls bathroom! It’s a smaller space, that doesn’t see a ton of traffic and can handle being a little ‘extra’. Besides, seven years of boring all white is enough! I wanted color, contrast and of course some gold details.

Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth
Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth
Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth
Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth

So, with that I started my favorite task, creating a mood board and searching for some key pieces to help guide the décor process. Wayfair is always my go-to for ANYTHING home related. I literally get lost as if in a day dream, scrolling through endless options when I key in specific item ideas or just a color, I might be interested in. Number one on my list for this project was wallpaper!

As I mentioned I really wanted something major, that would make the whole room pop, and also be fun for the girls. And um, I had no idea that Wayfair has thousands, yes tens of thousands of options for wallpaper! I searched by color and theme to narrow my search and after lots of fun scrolling time (oh how I love to browse!) I finally settled on 4 options that I loved.

Now came the hard part. How do I settle on just one? It doesn’t help that Eric has lots of opinions! I finally decided to create a mock up in photoshop with all 4 options and see how each would look with the rest of the décor. I already knew I wanted to paint the cabinets a shade of coral and had picked out the absolute perfect Wayfair Moen faucets, so I took some quick phone pics, plugged those elements into Photoshop and voila! My dream bathroom options came to life! Honestly, this is the best thing I’ve ever done for a project and it had me immediately wishing I had done the same for every room in our house prior to doing any updates! It’s amazing what a huge difference it makes to see all the pieces together and be able to move things around, change color ideas and play around with dimensions. Total game changer.

Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth
Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth
Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth
Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth
Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth


Wayfair colorful bathroom remodel before and after featured by top US lifestyle blog, Lombard and Fifth

I am so excited to share the whole transformation with you guys once it is complete. Which wallpaper is your favorite? I am still going back and forth between going outside of my blush comfort zone and into full color mode!

Stay tuned for the “after” reveal in a few weeks!


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