Charlie’s 1st Birthday!

I’m not going to lie, I cried a couple of mommy tears of joy when looking through these photos for the first time, amid the post party mess in our house.

My littlest princess turned one!

I feel like I have to keep saying it, to actually believe it. Because she is our second peanut, and extra petite and dainty on top of that, in my mind she is still that little bundle of new baby smell and little fingers that I starred at the day she was born. And now a whole year flew by. When a family member at the party asked why I bother spending so much time on all the decorations and photos, to me the answer seemed so simple. These little special moments and the photos that we are able to capture them with, is all we have to hold onto. All that’s left when my beautiful girls will be all grown up. I imagine sitting down with them and showing them photos of their very first special days and telling them little stories about how I recruited our friends to cut out paper flowers and make balloon tassel garlands for weeks on end. I remember so vividly my own childhood birthdays, and how my mom would always stay up late to have my twin brother and I wake up to a house filled with balloons and garlands. She even painted little love messages on all the mirrors. Those are some of my fondest memories and ones I hold onto dearly. I hope I can make my girls feel the same way I felt on my birthdays all those years ago. And looking at these photos, with Charlie diving after her little smash cake and Grace getting to blow out her sister’s candle, I think they will. I just hope they don’t get mad about having to wear matching dresses 😉

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