The girls and I had the absolute best day, getting messy and fancy, baking up some creations using Fancy Sprinkles. I told them they could do whatever they wanted with their cake and cupcake and it was so amazing to see them get SO into it. The “big mama cake” was going to have a special twist, an ‘exploding’ middle. I’ve loved seeing posts of cakes filled with candy and M&Ms on Pinterest and was excited to try it out with Fancy Sprinkles!
We made a round hole in each layer before putting them together and frosting, and then I filled the middle up with the Rose all Day sprinkles.
By the way, you guys can get 15% off your Fancy Sprinkles order with code LOMBARD15.
Note to self, you have to REALLY stuff a ton of sprinkles and compress them down, so there is some pressure created. Ours didn’t give that big satisfying spill when I cut into it, but sure still looked super cute! I guess this only means one thing. We need a redo!