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Happy Birthday Blog!

Today is my 32nd birthday and the 1st Birthday of this blog. I feel like this year has been a very transitional one for me. When I clicked ‘publish’ on my first post on May 3rd, 2014, I had just found out that I was pregnant with our second baby. I was a full time working mom of a one and a half year old, and was trying to fit this third baby – the blog, somewhere in between it all.

And through the year, this blog has felt at times like an only child that I have given all of my attention to, to the detriment of other to do things on my list, and at times also like a red headed step child who got lost in the shuffle, when there was just too much on my plate. I even decided to quit writing it altogether at one point, when I was nearing the end of my first trimester of pregnancy, and was feeling awful every day. But when I hadn’t published for a month, (and watched 50% of my subscribers disappear) the little creative voice inside of me kept getting louder and louder. My creative outlet was gone and I needed it back. So as my belly grew, I called my photographer, my dad, (who has been my biggest supporter on this journey) and told him that we will be getting back to work.

My dad loves photography, and has been into it ever since I can remember. I have the best memories of being a little girl, with him in our ‘red room’ the bathroom he had converted into a dark room, so he could expose his own photographs. Watching the black and white faces of my twin brother and I slowly emerge onto the photo paper as he would dip it into the photo solution. Every event or even a little trip to the park was done with camera in hand for dad. Our drawers always bursting open with photographs peeking out, and countless photo albums lining the shelves. I guess that’s where I got my love of not only photography, but art, fashion and anything creative. And as this past year unfolded I got a whole other bonus. Getting to connect with so many people, from all around the world. Whether it is other bloggers, or brands reaching out for a fun collaboration. I feel so lucky to have met so many amazing people.

Three month ago I gave birth to my second baby girl and life got even more hectic, if that’s possible! And for the second time I am now having the same worries – where will I possibly find the time to work on this blog? So for my second year as a blogger, I have promised myself a few things that I plan to stick with. The first is not to put so much pressure on myself. Not to stress if I am not sticking to a perfect schedule and go with the flow more. I also want to start writing more (see “Fashion Diaries” posts), as it is such a passion of mine and I feel brings so much more depth to my blog aside from just outfit posts. Sure it takes way longer, but better to have more quality than quantity posts! My last and most important resolution is to stop comparing myself to other bloggers. “Comparison is a dream killer” – a quote I read somewhere, which couldn’t be more true. There will always be someone who has a much bigger following, a more beautiful site design, better clothes……and countless other things. As tough as it is sometimes living in this over saturated blogger world, we have to remember to stay true to ourselves and remember what that first step was. Doing this because it’s fun! Hope you’ll continue on my journey with me, as I keep on it, one day at a time.

Thanks for reading,



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