Go ahead, burn the good candles!

Voluspa Candles friends & family sale, self-care morning routine tips. Bad on Paper Podcast, Grace Atwood, Becca Freeman, Olivia Muenter. By Veronica Levy, Lombard & Fifth.

I remember being in college and someone asking me when I would feel like I’m successful money wise, and my answer was, “When I can buy fresh flowers every week and light a good candle daily without feeling super guilty about it.” And it’s kind of wild that my answer is pretty much still the same. Maybe throw in, buying truffle brie at Whole Foods without feeling like “there needs to be a reason for this purchase other than me wanting to eat the entire thing in one sitting.”

One thing that my college self did not realize was that, that “guilty feeling” over actually using the nice things we buy, kind of tends to linger, no matter how much money you make. Thanks early childhood influence! So, lighting all the good candles all the time, is something I am working on letting myself fully enjoy, guilt free.

Voluspa Candles friends & family sale, self-care morning routine tips. Bad on Paper Podcast, Grace Atwood, Becca Freeman, Olivia Muenter. By Veronica Levy, Lombard & Fifth.
Voluspa Candles friends & family sale, self-care morning routine tips. Bad on Paper Podcast, Grace Atwood, Becca Freeman, Olivia Muenter. By Veronica Levy, Lombard & Fifth.

I have been loving lighting a candle first thing in the morning, right when I first wake up after I pour myself a coffee. I have no idea why, but I used to think of candles as a 100% evening thing. So many wasted candle hours! I get up before everyone else, so that quiet, calm hour and a half or so I get to myself in the morning is often my favorite part of the day. Before the chaos, all the to-dos and never-ending list of “ok, what’s next?” It’s just bliss. I used to jump straight into work when I woke up, and actually can’t believe I did not see this as an issue. To expect your brain to be at it’s creative/logical best at 5:30 in the morning is a little ridiculous.

I just recently made the change to this new morning routine after hearing Becca and Olivia, talk about their morning routines on the “Bad on Paper” podcast (my favorite must listen, weekly). Olivia Muenter (who just replaced Grace Atwood) as the new host (and I’m already fully obsessed with her) shared that she also wakes up super early every morning. But her routine was less “emails, edits, paperwork” and more “light a candle, read, enjoy a slow breakfast”. I guess sometimes you just need a simple reminder of a kind of “no duh!” thing to make you stop and make an adjustment. So, here’s your reminder to try to take a bit of time for yourself, whatever that may be. I do recommend an early morning coffee, candles and Pinterest situation.

Voluspa Candles friends & family sale, self-care morning routine tips. Bad on Paper Podcast, Grace Atwood, Becca Freeman, Olivia Muenter. By Veronica Levy, Lombard & Fifth.

Ok speaking of candles, since I have written that word about 57 times now in this post. My favorite candle company Voluspa, is having a friends & family site wide sale this week. It’s open to the public on May 26th, but they gave me a special code to share for early access. It’s VERONICA22 and you can use it at checkout today! (shop the sale HERE) How’s that for a good excuse to add that bit of good self-care to your day!?

It’s late morning for me now, and after I publish this post it’s going to be one of those crazy, running at full speed days, but I am so thankful I had my two full quiet hours this morning, and even an early walk with Winnie before the girls woke up and it was off to the races.

Voluspa Candles friends & family sale, self-care morning routine tips. Bad on Paper Podcast, Grace Atwood, Becca Freeman, Olivia Muenter. By Veronica Levy, Lombard & Fifth.
Voluspa Candles friends & family sale, self-care morning routine tips. Bad on Paper Podcast, Grace Atwood, Becca Freeman, Olivia Muenter. By Veronica Levy, Lombard & Fifth.


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