Dream Coat | Erdem x H&M Collab

Erdem x HM coatErdem x HM coatErdem x HM coat Erdem x HM coatErdem x HM coatErdem x HM coatErdem x HM coatErdem x HM coat
Coat Erdem x HM (sold out) | Pin Erdem x HM (sold out) | Beret | Booties (older)

Well, a 4:30am wake up call was definitely worth it for this fashionista! That usually means I’m up with only of my girls, but this time, my coffee and I were ready to click the order button, because the Erdem x HM sale was about to be on! Promptly at 5am hit refresh and after some anxious moments of the site being down due to too much traffic, I was able to snag my #1 item – this amazing coat. By the time I went back to add this pin, it was already sold out. Well a few days ago, a little package came and my amazing hubby Eric revealed  his little surprise! He had watched me posting on my stories how bummed I was that the pin was gone and had managed to track one down that day on Ebay (and pay a ridiculous sale uncharge for it). Is that not the sweetest surprise ever?!! So now, my ErdemXHM look complete, I was ready to shoot it! Hope you guys were able to grab a few pieces from the collection as well!

Have a fabulous week!



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